Underground Residential Distribution Services

Underground Residential Distribution Services

Offering residential and commercial underground installation and distribution services across Southern Alberta

TCI Utilities is Enmax, Atco, and Fortis approved and specializes in turnkey 4-party (Enmax Power, Atco Gas, Rogers, and Telus) underground residential distribution (URD) construction. We hold contracts with the 4-party Consortium in Calgary and the City of Lethbridge, and have quickly become the contractor of choice in URD construction by providing exceptional value and safety.

We also provide services in:

  • excavating and horizontal directional drilling
  • fiber optic splicing and installation
  • polyethylene fusion
  • communications construction—both underground and aerial
  • commercial parking lot lighting and electrical
  • street lighting
  • low voltage underground services
  • general contracting
  • project management to ensure project goals are within scope, time, and budget constraints
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TCI Utilities is Enmax, Atco, and Fortis approved and specializes in turnkey 4-party (Enmax Power, Atco Gas, Rogers, and Telus) underground residential development (URD) construction. We hold contracts with the 4-party Consortium in Calgary and the City of Lethbridge, and have quickly become the contractor of choice in URD construction by providing exceptional value and safety.

We also provide services in:

  • excavating and horizontal directional drilling
  • fiber optic splicing and installation
  • polyethylene fusion
  • communications construction—both underground and aerial
  • commercial parking lot lighting and electrical
  • street lighting
  • low voltage underground services
  • general contracting
  • project management to ensure project goals are within scope, time, and budget constraints

TCI Utilities is Enmax, Atco, and Fortis approved and specializes in turnkey 4-party (Enmax Power, Atco Gas, Rogers, and Telus) underground residential development (URD) construction. We hold contracts with the 4-party Consortium in Calgary and the City of Lethbridge, and have quickly become the contractor of choice in URD construction by providing exceptional value and safety.

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We also provide services in:

  • excavating and horizontal directional drilling
  • fiber optic splicing and installation
  • polyethylene fusion
  • communications construction—both underground and aerial
  • commercial parking lot lighting and electrical
  • street lighting
  • low voltage underground services
  • general contracting
  • project management to ensure project goals are within scope, time, and budget constraints
We focus on delivering our services on time and on budget while refusing to sacrifice on the safety and quality that has become the basis for our growing reputation within the industry.

Delivering Quality Products and Services for 85 Years

Tollestrup Construction was founded in 1940 in Lethbridge, Alberta. We pride ourselves on delivering high-grade products and excellent customer service all over Southern Alberta.

As Tollestrup continues to expand and challenge new markets and industries, we opened our TCI Utilities division in 2021. With the dedication and professionalism of our rapidly growing team, we established a new home base for our utilities division in Calgary.

All of us within the Tollestrup companies strive to deliver superior work, provide a professional and safe work environment, exceed client expectations, and develop strong relationships within our communities.

Delivering Quality Products and Services for 85 Years

Tollestrup Construction was founded in 1940 in Lethbridge, Alberta. We pride ourselves on delivering high-grade products and excellent customer service all over Southern Alberta.

As Tollestrup continues to expand and challenge new markets and industries, we opened our TCI Utilities division in 2021. With the dedication and professionalism of our rapidly growing team, we established a new home base for our utilities division in Calgary.

All of us within the Tollestrup companies strive to deliver superior work, provide a professional and safe work environment, exceed client expectations, and develop strong relationships within our communities.

Safety Is Our Priority

Our priority is the safety of all workers on our sites. Employees at every level are responsible for the company’s overall safety initiatives. Re-training and annual reviews ensure our employees are up to date with our Health, Safety, and Environment program, legislative requirements, and municipal laws. TCI Utilities maintains a long-time membership with ACSA COR Program, Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association, Lethbridge Construction Association, ISNetworld, Comply Works and Avetta pre-qualification standards.

Contact Us For An Estimate​

Please contact us to request an estimate for your project. 

ROB GOREK, Division Manager

CHRIS BOYKO, Superintendent

4380 76 Ave SE, Bay #1, Calgary, AB T2C 2J2

Address: 4380 76 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2J2